Who is Hardwyrd ?
I am Hardwyrd.
Hardwyrd is an online alter ego I created around 2005. Prior to that, I have used other alter egoes in various (now defunct) web-based systems (IRC, usenet, forums, BBS, and other chat systems) which were the precursor to the modern social media platforms.
I am Hardwyrd. My birth name is Romar Mayer Micabalo, based in the sunny archipelago of the Philippines. I have been a long-time Linux and open source advocate, tech community volunteer, speaker, veteran Systems Administrator, and netizen.
I currently work as a Cloud Infrastructure Engineer for an AI/ML company headquartered in Melbourne, Australia with a country presence here in the Philippines. I co-organized, co-founded, or actively volunteered to some local technology groups in order to promote technology, cybersecurity, open source, and STEM to local students and industry practitioners. I co-created a local Python advocacy group called PyTsada, and continuously volunteer and co-organize for ITG-X.
Currently, I also serve as a Regional Coordinator for the Mozilla Philippines Community (MozillaPH)
When writing and interacting online, whether here or in social media at large, I am mostly interested in the following topics :
cloud computing
Python programming language
Nim programming language
systems administration
HAM radio
AI and machine learning
If you are curious about the kind of talks I did over the years, feel free to checkout some of the presentations and talks I have given.
Feel free to drop me a message and say "Hi !"